What does the UK law say?
Working in an office environment – Did you know that your employer has a legal responsibility, as well as a moral responsibility, to make arrangements for your workstation to be assessed? If you use display screen equipment (DSE) on a regular basis as part of your usual daily work, your employer is legally obliged to assess your workstation for any risks and must take steps to reduce any issues that are found. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 has your back, literally.
What does the UK law require?
The law requires employers to assess a workstation each time a new employee commences working for them and whenever a new workstation is set up. The negative cost of spending time at a badly designed workstation can be huge, not just for the employee, but also for the business. Despite the fact that bad ergonomics in the workplace are avoidable, they are still responsible for numerous hours lost due to sick leave annually. This can cost companies thousands of pounds. Therefore, it is crucial that poorly designed workstations are identified and eliminated as soon as possible.
What will a DSE assessment achieve?
Correctly identifying risks, such as bad posture, can help combat serious health conditions such as musculoskeletal disorders and other ill-health effects. An employee can also become more productive due to improved concentration levels.
The law does not just cover those who already suffer from a disability, it covers EVERYONE.
Call 0203 0261034 or email us at info@displayscreenequipmentlondon.co.uk.